czwartek, 9 marca 2017

Sensory processing disorder(SPD) fashion or necessity?

Looking inside all the net websites we can see that most of them can offer a special classes containing elements of sensory integration. On parents blogs lots of people use elements of sensory integration during the playing time and I think that already each of us has got in a family, preschool, school class or among friends a child with sensory processing disorder. Is it a new fashion because it is so popular? We had time with dyslexia and ADHD. Maybe sensory integration has their 5 minutes now ??

One of the therapist said that it is hard to clear answer this question and for sure the concept of sensory integration is heavily overused. If a child does not want to touch something because simply in a world he does not like it or does not know we call this child as a one with sensory processing disorder. We are adults and we do not like everything. We have our favourite smells, clothes, taste preferences and no one tells that these are disorders. If a small child refuses to eat certain consistency because he can not deal with it rather that go to speech therapist parents will send him to sensory integration problems. 

I think that the abuse of the concept of sensory integration is caused by several factors. Firstly, due to the concern for the child. If a parent or teacher can hear that it is a nice way, in addition to supporting the comprehensive development of the child, it wants to use it. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that with ordinary tools, physical activity, everyday objects or even the gifts of nature, we can really do a lot.
Secondly, the childhood of our children is completely different than ours. Newborns and infants are attacked by sounds, colors, forget that what they need is a quiet, calm, sucking, touch and rocking. Small children play with toys in a different way, are no longer in kindergarten, they spend less time on playgrounds and more time in front of TV or computer. Nowadays, on the one hand, we are overstimulation, and on the other we lack these ordinary, natural incentive.

And finally, third, we are growing. From year to year the number of therapists, sensory integration, and places where you can diagnose disorders in the processes of sensory processing. Teachers and educators receive more information about sensory integration studies, as well as during training. Also, parents participate in workshops and thereby increase their awareness. Increasing the number of publications, dealing with sensory integration.

Thus, if in fact we have a fashion for SI? Probably partly so, but no matter whether it be fashion or simply increase awareness and accessibility to sensory integration therapy, it means the success of the child. And his fate, for us parents and therapists is the most important.

Autor: Aleksandra

Studentka Wyższej Szkoły im. Pawła Włodkowica w Płocku na kierunku: Edukacja Wczesnoszkolna i Wychowanie Przedszkolne. Absolwentka Oxford Cherwell College w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz policealnej szkoły medycznej na kierunku Ratownik Medyczny

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