1. Copernicus Science Center:

photo: http://www.national-geographic.pl/
This place is a good idea for family time in each season. Copernicus Science Center offers lots of varius exhibitions. You can see here for exampe The Heavens of Copernicus. This place have 3 very important rules:
- VISION: People shape the world through critical and creative thinking.
- MISSION: We inspire people to observe, experiment, ask questions and seek answers.
- VALUES: We value science, freedom, responsibility, trust and co-operation.
2. Royal Łazienki

photo: http://www.lazienki-krolewskie.pl/
In the park you can see a lot of interesting things: Royal Sculpture Gallery, Royal Picture Gallery, Polish Sculpture Gallery, The Royal Łazienki Museum, Palace On The Isle and of course big and nice gardens. I think this is a very nice place to go with your kids in warm spring sunday. In this day you can also listen one of the Chopin Concerts.
3. Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów

photo: http://www.wilanow-palace.pl/
Another amazing place in Warsaw – Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów. Like in The Royal Łazienki you can see here amazing collection in museum and walk around park with amazing and relaxing view. Your kid can see here a bit of history and also spend nice time with whole family.
4. Hangar 646

photo: http://www.rodzinnykompas.pl/
Hangar 464 is it nothing else lik park of trampolines. They are in many locations in Warsaw, so for sure you can find one not so far awal from your house. It is the place full of trampolines where you can enjoy your free time together with (or even more than) your child. In this place you can again feel like a kid and forget about All week stress.
5. Warsaw Zoological Garden

photo: http://www.metrowarszawa.gazeta.pl/
Last but not least is of course Warsaw Zoological Garden. This is a place you can go with your child every year or even every month. This place let you spend lot of time walking outside with whole family. Going to the ZOO will be an amazing opurtinity for your kid to see a lot of different animals from all around the world.
How you can see there is a lot of oppurtinities to spend a free time with your kid in Warsaw. I wrote just few ideas but there is much more.
Don’t forget that spending time together is a very important element in the development of your child’s life.
Autor: Agata
Absolwentką Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej, specjalność: nauczanie wczesnoszkolne i edukacja przedszkolna z elementami logopedii. Ukończyła także Akademię Muzyczną na kierunku: choreografia i Uniwersytet Warszawski na kierunku: animacja społeczno-kulturalna.